The Holy See is the official website where you can browse the Magisterium of the Supreme Pontiffs, latest news about the Pope and the Vatican, schedules and actually almost everything about the ins and outs of the…
The digital world offers us many beautiful and complicated things, and one good thing about it is our faith has also reached the digital highway. There are many mobile apps we can encourage you to add to your smartphones or tablets.
“Always keep the holy book in your hands, that it may nourish your soul by devout reading.” St. Jerome
We must immerse ourselves in good Catholic books in order to have spiritual growth. Through the wisdom of the Saints and our Church leaders our eyes, minds, and hearts will be opened to truth in a new way. With so many Catholic books available, printed and online, we highly recommend every Catholic to have the following books in their collection and of course read them as these will truly help our faith journey.
The Compendium is a faithful and sure synthesis of the Catechism of the Catholic Church. It contains, in concise form, all the essential and fundamental elements of the Church’s faith. In its structure, contents and language, the Compendium faithfully reflects the Catechism of the Catholic Church and will thus assist in making the Catechism more widely known and more deeply understood.
Catechism for Filipino Catholics (CFC) is the official Vatican approved National Catholic Catechism for the Philippines. As a national catechism, one major function of the CFC has been to draw together two major current sources for our “renewed catechesis.” This Catechism is addressed primarily to committed Filipino Catholics, rather than to winning new converts to the Catholic Faith. Nevertheless, it can be very useful for anyone desiring to know more about the Catholic Faith